
Happy New Year of 1436 Hijriyah

this afternoon
with my purple heart

try to understand and aware
that today is a new day
and yesterday will not be back again

I'm here
with my instropection
alone.. try to find the words to visualize all of my feeling about the journey
the journey that made me happy and sad, laughing and criying,
in last years, especially in 1435

with my resolution
shake the hand to the next day, tomorrow, when the sun will be rise in the morning
and I will start the day with my new
whatever will happen

so do you,
from my deepest heart
I say:
happy new year 1436 H
belief me, if you always move and change, I am sure that tommorrow must be better....

My Resolution for this Hijriyah year:
1. write & piblish three books:
titles: Becoming Excellent Student, Softskills Management, and Kecerdasan Holistik di Tempat Kerja
2. recording my songs with a band
3. backpacking & photohunting to Hong Kong, Macau & Shen Zen (Tiongkok)
4. family backpacking to KL (Malaysia), Singapore & Batam
5. finishing my study in doctoral programm....

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