Training: "Public Speaking"
Outline : how to know tips and tricks of public speaking and practice it
Time & Place: Mosque Baitul Muslimin, April, 7, 2013
Speaker : Ugung DA Wibowo
Audiences : Youth Moslem Organization
- Training: "SUCCESS (Spiritual Upgrading and Career Competencies Empowerment by Soft Skills)"
Outline : understand how to apply to the compagny and tips-trick in interview test and psycho-test and how to be an excellent-modern-islamic undergraduate
Time & Place: Aula AK Anshori UMP, April, 16-17, 2013
Trainer : Ugung DA Wibowo & SUCCESS Team
Audiens : pre-graduation of UMP
- 1 Session Training: "Goal-Setting" (canceled)
Outline : mindsettting and understanding how to make a goal-setting for better future
Time & Place: Baturraden Adventure Forest (BAF), April, 19, 2013
Trainer : Ugung DA Wibowo
Audiens : students of SMP Al Kautsar Sukabumi
- Training: "Excellent Serivice" (canceled)
Outline : mindsettting and understanding how to practice excellent service
Time & Place: SAI Banjarnegara, April, 23, 2013
Trainer : Ugung DA Wibowo & Mintaraga ES
Audiens : employee of SAI
- Training: "Jpbhunting"
Outline : understand how to apply to the compagny and tips-trick in interview test and psycho-test
Time & Place: SMK Muh Bobotsari, April, 24, 2013
Trainer : Ugung DA Wibowo & LPP UMP
Audiens : students of SMK Muh Bobotsari
- Seminar: "Jati Diri Karang Taruna"
Outline : understanding Jati Diri Karang Taruna and new paradigma for better action
Time & Place: Aula Kel Kranji, April, 27, 2013
Trainer : Ugung DA Wibowo, Arif K & Taufan EN Rotorasito
Trainee : youth organization (KNPI, Karang Taruna, & others)
- Training: "One Heart"
Outline : teambuilding training, and then mindsettting and understanding of excellent service oriented
Time & Place: SAI Banjarnegara, April, 30, 2013
Trainer : Ugung DA Wibowo & Mintaraga ES
Trainee : employee of RM Lumbung
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