
Powerpoint Slide Jobhunting Training etc

Dear, jobhunters...

Jobhunting is one of the process to get career. Every your application letters are investment. Every step in the process is the journey to growing up. Just enjoy... always evaluate and learn every step in your way.

So, you can download the powerpoint slide any time. Here is...

slide: jobhunting training cilck here
slide: writing application letter cilck here
slide: writing resume & CV click here
slide: handling interview test click here
slide: handling psychotest click here
application letter
curicculum vitae

God bless U

Best regards,

Ugung DA Wibowo

1 komentar:

  1. Most of the trainers have been with the company since its inception and take pride in their involvement in the business. All of our courses are completely tailored to suit the delegate's individual needs. As can be seen from the testimonials, Keystar are able to marry individual training requirements to an informal and comfortable working environment, either on our client's premises or at one of our training rooms in London and throughout the UK.

