
Festival SuksesMulia 2013 (Trainer's Shares Parade)

I have good information

There are interesting activities named Festival SuksesMulia 2013, an activity that involves 200 trainers and thousands of participants. Held on Saturday, July 13, 2013 in Hall 3rd floor, Pasaraya Sriratu Purwokerto, starting 09.00 until 17.00

and Watch live performance streaming of Jamil Azzaini (International Inspirator), conseptor of Hidup Sukses Mulia and owner of Kubik Leadership, beside you can sing together in soft music and stand up commedy...

You will meet with extraordinary people, asking and consulting with them. So..Do not forget, invite friends and your families to joint in this event...


1. Iyan Radiana (Shiny Motivator)
2. Ryan Martian (Author, Trainer, Motivator)
3. Ugung DA Wibowo (Softskills Trainer)
4. Mr. Erick (Right Brain Trainer)
5. Waidi Akbar (Mindset Motivator)
6. Muhammad Arifin (Entrepreneurship Motivator)
7. Iman Waskito Sujianto (Achiever Inspirator)
8. Dhian Fatmasari (Life Couple Motivator)