
Info 4 My Students: Repport Format

"Interview" repport format
click here

"Job Analysis - Job Description" repport format: Job Identity (Name, Position, Relationship - with organizational structure), Task, & Responsility. Example: job desc of secretary click here

There is slide of material "Job Analysis" after mid semester:

- anajab bab 5 - job desc - klik di sini
- anajab bab 6 - job spec - klik di sini
- anajab bab 7 - metode anajab - klik di sini
- anajab bab 8 - validitas & reliabilitas - klik di sini- anajab bab 9 - analisis beban kerja - klik di sini
- anajab bab 10 - analisis kebutuhan kerja - klik di sini- anajab bab 11 - job evaluation - klik di sini

Year End Tips: Looking Back, Looking Forward, Being Present

By: Jamie Smart

Three years ago at this time, I wrote about the process I go through at the end of each year, which I call "Closing the year". A lot of people wrote in saying how much they appreciated the process, so I reprinted it the following year, and the year after that... Taking a few minutes to go through this powerful process is a gift you can give yourself today.

Now it's December, and soon it will be the end of 2009. The New Year is a time when people often look back at what they've accomplished and learned, and look forward to the year ahead. Once I've written this tip and sent a few emails, I'm going to go through a process I do every year, a process I thought I'd share with you.

The process is what I call "Closing the year", and it's a simple ritual that helps me to really enjoy my time off, and to go into the new year with maximum energy. I suggest that you do it when you finish work for 2009. I spend 5 or 10 minutes doing each of the following steps:

1) Brainstorm all the things you've accomplished this year, the memorable experiences you've had, and everything you're grateful for. Spend a few minutes making a list of everything you've managed to achieve. Use a pen & paper for maximum effect (this process is most effective when you actually do it J).

You might be surprised at just how much you've accomplished in twelve months (if you are saying "I haven't accomplished anything", I'd challenge you - at the very least, you have survived. I expect that as you think about it, you'll realise that you've accomplished much more than that!)

2) Next, brainstorm the things you no longer want in your life; make a list of the things you'd like to leave behind.
We all have things in our lives that are past their 'use by' date. Physical objects, unhelpful habits, limiting beliefs, thought patterns that hurt, people we no longer wish to spend time with, etc.

3) Think about your dreams for the future. What do you want to bring into your life? What experiences would you like to enjoy? What new skills would you like to learn? What would you like to do? How would you like to be? Make notes, draw a picture or speak into a tape recorder to help you remember your dreams.

Spend as long as you like dreaming about the future you desire. If you don't know what you want, you can ask yourself the 'miracle question': "If there were a miracle in the night, and when you woke up tomorrow, everything in your life was exactly the way you'd like it to be, how would you know there'd been a miracle? What would you see, feel and hear that would let you know a miracle had taken place?

4) Brainstorm the things you'd like to bring into your life. What are the things, experiences, qualities, and ways of being you'd like to experience more of in the future. Make a list of these.

These can be quite general: Do you want to spend more time with your family? Get fitter? Enjoy earning more money? Spend more time in the present moment? List the things you'd like to attract into your life.

5) Make a list of your goals for the year ahead. What would you like to accomplish? What would you like to learn? What would you like to get? Who would you like to meet?

There are all sorts of claims made about the power of goal setting, but I'm going to spare you the rhetoric. Instead, I'll make a blindingly obvious point: you have a much better chance of hitting a target when you know what it is. Human neurology is goal-seeking, so get your unconscious on your side, and make a list of what you'd like to achieve in 2008. (For more about setting goals, go to the Salad archive - http://www.saladltd .co.uk/archive. htm - Tips 1 & 2 are particular faves of mine).

6) Read through the your list of accomplishments and congratulate yourself for them. Put this list (#1) on your left. Read through the list of things you'd like to leave behind. Forgive yourself for any mistakes you feel you've made, and put this list (#2) on your left also. Take the materials relating to your dreams (#3), and place them in front of you. Review the list of things you'd like to attract into your life, and put this list (#4) on your right. Read through your goals for the year ahead, then put this list (#5) on your right also (if you are left-handed, lists 1 & 2 on your right and 4 & 5 on your left).

7) Sit quietly for a few minutes. Imagine all the good feelings, thoughts and energies from your accomplishments coming into your body (you can visualise this as a stream of light, sparkling dust, or anything else you imagine). Then become aware of any of your energy that's tied up in the things you want to let go of, and see it returning to your body. Look to your dreams, attractions and goals: any of your energy that is tied up in those (eg. in wishing or wanting) can also return to you in the present moment. Notice how it's possible for you to feel even better about those dreams and goals when your energy is in the present.

A great deal of people's awareness is often wrapped up in wishes for the future, or memories of the past. It's great to have access to these dreams and memories, but it's also good to have our energy available to us in the present moment.

8) Allow yourself to be fully present in this moment. Become aware of the fact that all your accomplishments and activities of the past year were accomplished in an earlier present. Become aware of the fact that all your future accomplishments and experiences will take place in a future present. Really experience how it feels to be fully present (For more tips on getting into the present moment, see http://www.saladltd .co.uk/nlp_ tip_55.htm ).

Relax, and enjoy yourself!

January 2010's WTS (Workshop, Training, & Seminar)

- Training: "Writing Paper for Students Creativity Programm - Students ideas & Scientific Article(Program Kreativitas Mahasiswa - Gagasan Tertulis & Artikel Ilmiah)"
Outline : Know how to make the paper for Students Creativity Programm(Program Kreativitas Mahasiswa - Gagasan Tertulis & Artikel Ilmiah)
Time & Place: Aula AK Anshori UMP, January, 4, 2010
Trainer : Ugung DA Wibowo & Students Science Guidance Team
Trainee : students of UMP

- Training: "Motivational Spiritual Leadership for UN"
Outline : motivation & mental prepararation for national exam
Time & Place: Aula AK Anshori UMP, January, 17, 2010
Trainer : Ugung DA Wibowo & Haryanto
Trainee : students of SMA Muhammadiyah Cilacap

- Training: "Motivational for UN"
Outline : motivation & mental prepararation for national exam
Time & Place: 08 - 12 am, Aula Kelurahan Purwokerto Kulon, January, 31, 2010
Trainer : Ugung DA Wibowo & Zain N
Trainee : students & public

and Agenda: CDC December Fair 2009 to download the poster click here

10 Powerful Self Motivation Rules!!

Self motivation is the only way for you to get out of your current situation that you may not like. You need to have the inner drive to keep your momentum in achieving your goals in life. Without self motivation, nothing else matters. You can hire the most expensive motivator to tell you all the things you already know. But, if you fail to realize that there is no one else except you who can change your life, then you practically throw your money down the drain by going from one seminar to another in the hope that you can change your life. What matters most is your own action. You need to create and develop your own self motivation to bring you the energy and enthusiasm to pursue the dreams of your life.

You need some kind of motivational drive in anything you do. At work, you may need your colleague or boss to motivate you to accomplish your task. At home, you may need your family member to share some motivational thoughts to keep you energetic in your pursuit of your dreams. They can sit with you all day trying to keep you motivated. Again, all these will be meaningless when you yourself fail to acknowledge that you need more lasting drive to really keep your enthusiasm, that is, your self motivation. This is the quality that will separate you from the rest of the people.

Most of you may be thinking that this is going to be a very daunting task as you do not have the slightest idea of how you are going to go about this. You will be surprised as how easy this can really be done. Here are the 10 things that you need to follow:

1. Do not worry if you make mistakes. Making mistakes is one way we can learn and improve in our life. There is no one that has never made any mistake. The most important thing here is you realize that you have made mistakes and do not repeat the same mistakes again. You learn more from mistakes you have made than any other way.
2. Feel happy about your life. Happiness generates more positive energy within you. This energy is important to keep you more optimistic and enthusiastic about your life. Happy people are always motivated to accomplish something in their life.
3. Get out of your comfort zone. You need to learn to get into unfamiliar surroundings to explore better opportunities. Do not just stick around with the same people, same known places, skills or work. Explore new things that will enhance your ability to achieve your goals and keep you stay motivated.
4. Think the unthinkable. Nothing will stop you from thinking of goals you want to achieve. You have to dream high in order to set high goals. Everything starts with a dream. Do not limit yourself in your goals and dreams.
5. Read and listen to inspirational materials. You have to start spending time reading motivational books and listening to inspirational tapes. But, you must also implement what you learn from your reading and listening. New things you learn from these exercises will give you excitement and energy to work harder toward achieving your goals.
6. Resolve problems instead of running away. Your ride to success destination will not be smooth all the time. You will face difficulties. Do not quit when you experience predicaments in your quest to achieve your dreams. Frustrations and setbacks naturally form as parts of your success venture.
7. Appreciate every moment of your life. Think of what your life really is as of now. Appreciate every moment you have currently. Thinking about the past or day dreaming about the future will not bring you anywhere. Appreciating your current conditions makes you feel much better and realize the need to move forward to achieve your goals.
8. Finish what you start. Once you have started something, finish it. Never leave what you do halfway regardless of the end result. This will train you to accomplish something out of things that you do.
9. Face challenges one at a time. Challenges come to us almost all the time. Take up one challenge at a time. Do not try to accumulate and face them at one go. As the challenges accumulate, you will only feel less motivated to face them and finally unable to complete anything.
10. Care less about what people say. You may hear a lot of bad things people say about you. Sometimes those bad comments may come from somebody close to you. As long as you fully know what you are doing to achieve your goals, you can let those comments fall into deaf ears. Thinking too much about what people say will only make you weaker and loose focus on your effort.
Of course, this list does not just stop here. To instill and develop your self motivation, there are more ways you can do. But, if you can really comprehend and take the appropriate actions just based on these 10 things, you will definitely see the results.

About the Author
Fadzil is an entrepreneur, writer, and web content developer. He enjoys helping individuals, who are excited about self improvement and attaining personal success, to learn the simple steps to achieve their goals. Find out at http://www.wisdomga teway.com/ 6wlmover/ life_makeover. htm He is also the founder of Wisdom Gateway - one stop center for practical and profitable knowledge. To know more, please go to http://www.wisdomga teway.com