Outline : Know how to develop creativity to our childrens as smart & shaleh kids
Time & Place: Aula SD Putra Harapan, Juiy, 11, 2009
Speaker : Ugung DA Wibowo
Trainee : Public (especially teachers & parents)
- Seminar: "Hypnoteaching"
Outline : Know and understand how to use hypnosis skill in teaching, such as: pacing, leading, etc.
Time & Place: Aula SMAN 1 Jatilawang, July, 20, 2009
Trainer : Ugung DA Wibowo and Fachrudin Arif (CI)
Trainee : Public & Teachers
- Seminar: "Building Self-Concept for Kids"
Outline : Know how to develop positive self-concept to our childrens as good kids.
Time & Place: Sarwa Guna Building, Purbalingga, July, 26, 2009
Trainer : Ugung DA Wibowo etc
Trainee : Public (Teacher & Parents)
- Training: "Motivational-Spiritual Leadership"
Outline : Know what should to do for himself and the organization.
Time & Place: Baturraden, July, 18, 2009
Trainer : Ugung DA Wibowo & Haryanto
Trainee : All of employee of AKATEL Sandy Putra Purwokerto
- Training: "Commitmnet & Loyality for Security" (pending)
Outline : Know how commitment and loyality applied in the organization's life.
Time & Place: UMP campus, July, 19, 2009
Trainer : Ugung DA Wibowo & UMP Team
Trainee : Security of UMP